kunst-stoff receives financial support from medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg and MEDIA

It´s official! Kunst-stoff receives financial support from medienboard GmbH Berlin-Brandenburg. And if this were not great enough MEDIA, a program designed to support the European audiovisual sector supports us even with two funds.

With the investment in these funds we want to invest this money to work on our project “Bounces & Tumbles” announced for 2013 to extend our  umbrella brand “The Great Jitters”

Happy 1. Birthday J. Jitters!

Today our action-puzzle game “The Great Jitters: Pudding Panic” gets one year old! To celebrate our favourite piece of pudding J. Jitters’  birthday, kunst-stoff pays a round for all gamers, and offers the game for free from the 7th to the 10th June for iPhone, iPad and Mac!

With a classical German (ok, Swiss) cream cake, candles and coffee (“Kein Bier vor Vier”) the team celebrated his little green game character.

Hell, this cake is huge. But please don’t eat me – everything that has eyes also has a soul (and I have big eyes!).

Hard to believe that one year ago he was just a rough sketch on paper and that his existence could have been placed in jeopardy by a potato – the first idea for a main character in the puzzle game.

Now we look proudly at our jittering Jitters: The game won many awards, like the Red Dot Design Award 2011, the German Developer Award 2011 and the German Computer Game Award 2012.

 I have a cake, a nice smiling boss and a poster of myself. I HAVE IT ALL!

Even one year older (and wiser), the jelly lost none of its courage and still seeks his thrill in the ghost train. So get the game, scare the monsters and save the pudding!

Enough party, I have some business in a ghost trains to do.